January 2019

Know your Stuff and then Improvise

This is post one of five that shares learning and insight gained during a recent consulting experience. I started work with a new team that was struggling to understand a small set of requirements. They said they wanted a set of use cases to help them understand the requirements so that they could survey the COTS on the market and identify [...]

Know your Stuff and then Improvise2019-02-18T23:19:43-05:00

Experiences from the Trenches

Recently, I started work with a new team where I was the most experienced Business Analyst in a team of six.  I coached and guided the new BAs so that they could feel more comfortable in their role and duties. When I find myself in a coaching role, I notice that I learn as much (or more) from the experience as [...]

Experiences from the Trenches2019-02-18T23:13:47-05:00


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